Sunday, February 20, 2011

Prince: Figure eights, circles and more.

February 15 2011
Prince and I mainly did Figure eights and circles this afternoon while we played. Figure eights Online and Circles Freestyle. 

We started though with bridling. On the first try Prince took the bit into his mouth like he had been doing it all his life!!! It was amazing! Again he wasn't sure whether to lick the honey off or try to get the bit out but he chose to get the honey off so after a couple seconds I guided the bit out. We are doing lots of approach and retreat!! The second time I guided the bit into Prince's mouth and Prince licked it for a couple second and then his mouth went quiet and still. So I took it out :) And that was where we ended. I was so proud of Prince!!! It was so easy and hopefully will just keep getting better and better!! 
With Figure eights the challenge was for Prince to maintain gait around the ends. We haven't done Figure eights in a while so Prince needed a little bit of reminding as to what I expected. Then after that was going well we did Figure eights at the canter. Or at least we played with it. Prince cantered around the left barrel (to my surprise, as that is his hard side) really well but would break gait when he got to the middle, where he would over had to do a flying lead change if he had of maintained gait. But that was okay because we were so close to getting it!!! I am definitely going to continue playing with it and hopefully Prince will just continue getting better. 

What I am going to try next session is to do simple lead changes, dropping to the trot in the middle, and then picking up the canter again while going around the ends. This way once Prince gets that solid then the flying lead change with come eventually, no rush though :) 

After that I mounted and rode! I set two barrels up. One at each end because I wasn't sure where I wanted to ride the circles. I started at the one end but didn't like the footing and the fences so I switched to the other side. Even though it was challenging because of the size of the riding ring and all Prince and I still had success and we were able to  get some good results. 

We had to finish early because I had an appointment with my Mom, brother and sister. But that was okay. Prince did well and we ended on a good note and hopefully we shall be able to pick up again next session. 


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