Tuesday, December 15, 2009

It's the little things that count

I went outside this morning to clean the corral and give the horses their grainless grain [flaxseed, apple cider vinegar, and sunflower seeds ;)] I had to make sure the horses didn't get to Twosox while he was eating so after he was done I played with Prince at Liberty a little. We had a lot of fun!!

It all started when I had to drive Prince away because he was coming to close to Twosox and I so I got really intense and then started walking slowly towards him, Prince started backing up but it was kid of slowly so I got even more intense and then flicked him with the end of my savvy string. Prince out more effort into backing up after that, all I had to do was look at him and started getting that intense look and he would move. It was cool! Then we went and did some sideways from zone 5, leading by the tail, drawing backwards from zone 5, porcupine on the nose, stick to me, and then we did some yo-yo's at first I started out where I would back Prince up about 3ft then bring him forward about the same then each time I would shorten it so at the end I would take a step forward and Prince would back up a step then I would step back and Prince would step forward. I did it quickly too so I just hesitated a very little bit before I took a step forward or backwards. Prince was so in tune with me and didn't miss a step!!!

After that I asked Prince to back up to the water trough with me in zone 5 [I moved out of the way when he got there ;)] then I climbed up on it and did some extreme friendly game, I stretched out over him, climbed on his hindquarters. I really wanted to get on but I didn't have a helmet, Prince was at liberty so he could have walked off etc but I asked my mom if I could and she said sure and that she knew that i would (1) get off if I felt I needed to and (2) I wouldn't get on if I didn't feel safe and if I didn't feel that Prince was ready. So I got on. Then I tied my savvy string around my Prince's neck. He stood perfectly still. We didn't do a whole lot but what we did do was AMAZING!! And it proved that what we did last day paid off. Prince responded REALLY REALLY well to the savvy string he was VERY light. Half the time I didn't need to use my savvy string, Prince just responded to my body!! It was so cool!!

We practiced out turning/hind quarter pivots , back ups, stops, and sideways all totally brideless!!! It was so fun!! Prince offered the sideways so I took it and then made it my idea. I didn't need to use the savvy string for backing up. I just shifted my weight back and wiggled my feet a tiny bit and Prince would back up and it wasn't a slow back up either, he was putting effort into it!! We did almost a full pivot on the hind quarters with just my body and a very very  little bit of pressure with the savvy string. It was SO light!!

Prince was in tune with me the whole time and responded to my slightest suggestion!! It was wonderful!! Through the whole ride Prince wouldn't stop licking and chewing. We would do something and then stop and he would automatically start licking, chewing and yawning.

It was such a fun session even though it wasn't very long at all. I am so proud of Prince!!!


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