Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Oh what fun it is to ride my horse bareback and brideless...

even in when it is -20c [not including wind chill;)]...... and that is what I did this afternoon!! After we had finished cleaning the corral I decided that it was to cold to do an all out play time with Prince so we played in the corral at liberty then I got on and rode around bridleless with just a savvy string and carrot stick. It was so much fun!!!

We did Stick to me walk, trot, back up and sideways [both towards and away]. Then we did Touch it. I asked Prince to put his hind feet on one pedestal and his front feet on the other. At first he wasn't quite sure what I wanted but after a could tries we got it. That was the first time we have ever done that at Liberty and only the second time we have ever done it!! So I was really proud of him!!!

Then we went over to the water trough and I climbed up. This time I rode with my carrot stick so that was fun. We did transitions, sideways with and with out a fence, point to point [climbed up on the pedestals!!] indirect and direct rein, pivoting on the HQs and backing up with out using my savvy string or carrot stick. Prince did REALLY well!!!!! Our sideways was a HUGE improvemnt from our last ride!!! Prince was really responsive and I didn't even need to use my carrot stick. Except for one when I had to stop his forequarts from running away with out his hind quarters ;) But he got it all figured out!!!!

It wasn't a long play time/ride but I am glad I did it. It was fun!


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