Sunday, June 14, 2009


June 11 2009

Prince and I had a great play time this morning. I was hoping to ride him but the bugs got really bad before I had a chance too. Oh well. We still had a great time playing!!

We started by just playing on the 12ft line and checking our short range circle game and other stuff. Then we started playing with canter stick to me. Prince caught on so quickly that with in a couple minutes when ever I started cantering in my body Prince would canter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For the longest time I was kind of avoiding doing it because I didn't think that we were good enough for it and like normal when ever I think we aren't good enough Prince shows me that we are ready and we get it!!!

After that I put the 22ft line on Prince and I asked Prince to canter. He cantered two laps with slack in the line!!!! It was like he wasn't even there!!!!!! It was so cool!!! I am really seeing how I need to make sure my energy matches what I am asking Prince to do. It is amazing to see the difference in Prince when I am getting it right!! :)

We ended there because the bugs were driving Prince crazy. Our ride will have to wait :(


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