Friday, July 17, 2009

What a day!!

Wow..... what an amazing day yesterday was!!!!!

The play day was totally amazing. Prince was a gem!!! Our first major trail ride was TOTALLY AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Prince walked really fast for most of the ride until he and the other horses spooked at a wild turkey in the long grass. Then he relaxed and walked slowly for the last 3 minutes of the trail ride. Prince really wanted to trot but we were just walking so I would ask him to walk again. I SO wanted to trot but that was okay.

After lunch I rode Prince bareback in the arena. We got some AMAZING sideways, back up, I stood on him and lots more!! I am amazed at how much more fluid I can ride him trot bareback now!!! It is nice!!!

We also played at Liberty. We still need to work on it but it is getting there. We did change of directions, transitions, sideways, leading by the tail, stick to me, zone 4/5 driving, and lots of other stuff. It was SO much fun!!!

When I got home I checked my email and guess what!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I PASSED BOTH MY LEVEL 3 AUDITIONS!!!!!!!! I passed my Online Level 3+ and my Liberty Level 3. I was/ still am in shock!! I didn't think I would pass either one let alone both!!!! My Freestyle will have to wait for a while because my riding is coming along slowly but we are getting there.

I am going to be really busy sorting through pictures, video footage and making videos for everyone but that is okay I like that.

We did lots more but that is all I have time for right now.


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