Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Prince trim and play time

This morning I trimmed Prince. Before I started trimming him I played a little with him. We did some sideways, spins and circles. While Prince was on the circle I put the tarp in his way. My goal was to have him trot over it with out breaking gait each time he came to it "Don't change gait, don't change direction, look where you are going" He trotted over it twice but on the third time he broke gait but picked it back up once he was over it. The next time he trotted over it.

Then I changed the game and wanted him to stop on the tarp. It took a couple tries for him to get it, I wanted him to figure out the puzzle "Don't be the ministers of no but the ambassador of yes" (Or something like that) On the third try Prince figured it out. The look on his face was perfect! He looked at me like "Did I get it Keri?"

I had to stop and let Prince move his feet a couple times while trimming him. Near the end I gave Prince another puzzle to solve. I had asked him to move his hindquarters over a little while I was standing in zone 5 but he didn't understand and took a couple steps forward and then turned and face me. So I decided to ask him to turn back the way he was facing and then bring his hind quarters over towards me and back to where he was. It took a while but it was fun! Prince figured out what I wanted in the end and I was able to finished trimming him. It was fun! :)

Well that is all for now. Until next time...


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