Sunday, October 4, 2009

By popular demand....

So by popular demand I am typing this. Well not really ;)

Friday October 4 2009

Friday was a Parelli meet up. I played with Poncho!! I actually have a picture of him to post here....

I don't think I have posted one before. Anyways. This is Poncho. Handsome eh?

So lets see where do I start.....

Poncho was a little hard to catch. But that was okay. Once Freya was caught he was lot easier. He is way more respectful of my space now. So that is nice. You don't get that feeling like any minute you could get run over ;)

I put a little bit to much pressure on him at the beginning and he got a little worried. That is when I first really noticed that he is a RBI. Or at least right now he it. Once he gains confidence I could see him being more of a mild LBI. It just goes to show you that what Mr. Parelli says is true.... that RBI horses are the hardest to read. They look calm and confident but they really aren't.

So once I noticed that I backed right off. He is getting better with the carrot stick and savvy string. So that is progress. I decided to pretent that we have just started our session and so I sat on a pile of tires and just waited.... and waited...... and waited. Then finally he started licking and chewing!! Then he relaxed and lowered his head. Man he reminds me of Twosox when I first got him!!!

After that we did some Friendly game on both sides. The right is harder for Poncho but he realized that it was just friendly and soon relaxed a little. Every little success, even if it was that he lowered his head 1 inch was still a success.

Then we did some Touch it and Figure eights. He caught on REALLY quickly!! We did a couple complete Figure eights then stopped. He was so light. At first he was a little bit confused but that was because I but pressure in the wrong zone but after that he was great!! After that we went and checked out the tarp, poles, barrels, and tires. He took it all realy well. I could still see that he was a little bit unconfident but he was trying really hard. After that we went and did some squeeze game between me and the barrels. At first he would get scarred when he was going through the squeeze but after a couple squeezes he was fine and started walking through. Once he ever half jumped the side of the barrel!!

After that we went and I sat on a barrel and just had some undemanding time. Poncho started really relaxing and licking and chewing. Even yawning!! That was a really nice thing to see!!! We did a little bit of stick to me after that. Poncho was SO in tune with me!!! It was amazing!! All I had to do was think back up and pick up my stick a little bit and he would back up!!! We only did walk, stop and back up but it was still really cool!!

After I had finished playing with Poncho I played with Freya but that will have to wait for another post. I have to go now!


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