Friday, December 24, 2010

Twosox: Porcupine games and bridling...

December 22 2010

Twosox and I had a really good session today. We started off by playing strong, especially when it came to the porcupine game. Twosox was leaning and pulling on the pressure and so we did forequarter and hindquarter yields, and backing up by the nose. Once those were going well and Twosox was putting lightness and speed into it we went and did some circles. 

Twosox would get to a certain spot on the circle and then go straight and in doing so take the slack out of the rope and pull. So we played with that for a while and we did circles in both directions and ended when he was keeping the slack in the rope the whole time while trotting. 

Then we headed out to the front yard and we played with zone 5 driving with one rein. Twosox wasn't confident having me in zone 5 so we had to play with that. Eventually we got it though and we were able to get some simple walk, halt, back up transitions with out him getting worried and turning and facing me. 

Next we headed to the garage and played with bridling! It was a lot of fun and Twosox did so well! He took the bit very well and was totally fine with it! He moved his mouth around a little and then his mouth went quiet and he was fine! His head is definitely smaller than Prince's but it still fits well. He looks really sharp in it! 


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