Monday, August 2, 2010

Prince: Can it really be this good?

July 31 2010

Prince was spectacular today. Our play time went better then I ever could have imagined! We started off with the Falling Leaf which started off a little rough but then it got better. It got so good that after that Prince cantered 2 laps to the left with the belly of the rope on the ground the whole time and one and a bit to the right!!! Can I believe it, no. It is true, yes!! I am totally amazed! Prince was calm, cool and collected and he was so handsome as he was cantering around with rhythm, relaxation and connection!! After I brought him in I literally sat there almost in tears because I just couldn't believe that in less than a week our circles could have improved so much! God is so good to me!

After that we did Figure eights and the Weave. Both were very good and Prince is really taking up his responsibilities, which I have to make sure to give him :) It was so much fun. Then we did a different kind of extreme friendly game. Prince had some little burrs in his mane so I took them out but I didn't want to put them anywhere where the horses go so I walked to the other side of the riding ring and left Prince standing at the other end. Instead of walking back I decided to run at full speed back and straight at Prince. Now Prince used to have a HUGE issue with anything coming towards him at a fast speed so I was prepared to stop quickly and back up if he turned his head away or even if he turned an ear away... but he didn't. He stood there looking at me perfectly calm and with both ears as I ran straight to him. It was pretty cool!

We ended early because I wanted to get another horse in before it go to warm but it was definitely a good play time!!


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