Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Twosox: Haltering with excellence

August 23 2010

I didn't do a whole lot with Twosox today. We mainly focused on the catching game and on haltering. Twosox has gotten better but of course it could be a lot better. He will turn and face me but he still has some trouble coming to me. I am not sure if it is a "No I won't come to you" or a "I can't come to you" so I am still playing with that and testing different things. Until I know for sure I am treating it like he is more on the unconfident scale because of his horsenality (RBI/LBI) but I could very well be wrong ;) 

After Twosox came over to me we played around with haltering and such. Twosox did well and was very soft. Then we did some sideways, a little bit of backing up using the porcupine game and just some other small things. Then we just hung out before I let him go. I guess it kind of blew Twosox's mind because he stayed with me for a while before moseying off :) 


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