Monday, August 16, 2010

Twosox: Testing...1...2...3.

August 16 2010

You know sometimes you have those moments when you finally realize what you should have done and that it would have made the task you were working on... well a lot easier?? I had one of those today. To make it even worse I had thought about it but totally forgot on Saturday when I played with Twosox. So yeah. My memory is failing me ;) 

Anyways. So today I remembered what it was and it made a huge difference. This is what it was... maybe, just maybe I should test my Porcupine and Driving game backups because I go to the Yo-yo. *rolls eyes* Yeah. I don't know how I forgot that one! I had a savvy bypass there ;) 

So that is what we did today. Twosox and I tested our Porcupine and Driving game back ups and got them good before we did Yo-yo's. It went very well but one thing that I noticed was that Twosox wouldn't back up straight, he was turning his hindquarters. So as I asked him to backup I just softly asked him to move his hindquarters over. Pretty soon he learned to keep them straight and then our back ups got more light, more speed and we went farther. It was interesting. 

With the driving game it went faster because we had fixed a lot before so it went pretty smoothly. Twosox responded well and seemed to understand better. If I did have to go up my phases I would tap him on the chest and he would speed up. 

So when we got to the Yo-yo Twosox did really well and even though it wasn't perfect it was better. He backed up straight and seemed to be more willing to back up. 

We then went back down into the corral and we hung out for a bit before I let him go. One other thing that I played with was how much I could do with just my body (arms and legs not included) and how Twosox would respond. It was really interesting. It made me be even more subtle and focus on where my focus and energy was going. It was fun :)



  1. I've had those moments before! Great idea with the body and focus! I'm going to have to try that! :)

  2. Hope it works well for you :) It was always fun, even though at times challenging, to become more refined!

