Sunday, May 2, 2010

Prince: Small things

May 1 2010

Can you believe it! May 1st already! Wow time flies! Well this morning by the time I got out the black flies were pretty bad so I took Prince into the shelter and we hung out there for a awhile. We were able to do some small things, lateral flexion for a minute... or working towards it, sideways towards me, and some other things. Prince stayed with me after I let him go. So we stayed there a bit longer then I backed him out of the shelter at liberty while I sat on the back rail. He was so in tune with me he just stayed there and waited for further instruction. He is so cute!

It shall be interesting to see how this month goes with the black flies and mosquitoes. Hopefully I will still be able to play lots. Maybe not ride so much but at least play. 


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